
What we do!

We are a security consulting firm specializing in security strategy, compliance and corporate security consulting services



Compliance Services

Our IT compliance security consultants help clients identify vulnerabilities and assess real business risk and meet compliance.


  • GDPR
  • ISO 27000
  • NERC CIP 14
  • NIST
  • Compliance and Privacy Solutions
  • Risk Management and Compliance

Information Security Consulting

We provide information technology (IT) security consulting services for financial services, energy and utillities, government, healthcare and other enterprises. The company engages in the design, development, implementation, support, and management of IT security solutions. 

Critical Infrastructure Security

Energy and Utilities organizations provide services that power our lives. By security and protecting the Energy and Utilities organization, we also inadvertently enhance our services to our clients, because an attack on the Energy and Utilities systems means an attack on all industry, because we all rely on the Energy and Utilities system to power our businesses. 

Cyber security is a serious challenge for the energy sector, impacting national security, public safety and the nation's economy. As attacks grow in sophistication and IT infrastructure becomes more complex, security teams are under more pressure than ever. Protecting the utilities that power our lives has never been more important. 

Matthiassen Ltd. is here to help, with design and implementation of security programs, specific for the energy sector (such as NERC-CIP) for compliance. 


Security training

We provide information technology training in areas as GDPR, IT security strategy and policy development, risk management and other topics, customized to customer or need.


Matthiassen.com Serves a prestigious clientbase in both the public and private sectors. Here are some:


  • DSB
  • BaneDanmark
  • Statkraft 
  • Datatilsynet
  • DNB
  • Handelsbanken
  • Nordea
  • Orsted
  • Arla
  • Bankdata
  • Novozymes
  • Leo-pharma
  • Telenor
  • BK Ultrasound
  • Sydenergi
  • Vestas
  • DR
  • A.P.Moller Maersk
  • Siemens Windpower
  • Kirkebjerg Wicotec


      ........plus more we cannot reveal for privacy matters.